Sunday, June 5, 2011

First classes

Our first session was team building with the assistant program director who specializes in team building. The session helped us get to know each other better and opened the channel of communication. We learned that the four of us are very different and, because of that, we have a lot to learn from each other. Also, focusing on the similarities rather than the differences can make us a great team. At the end of the class, we built a very tall tower of mouse traps without snapping our fingers.

We discovered in our Native American Medicine class taught by the special programs coordinator of campus dining that there are three East eagles and one North bison in our team. Eagles are visionary people with strong spiritual awareness who appreciate information and possibilities, and who can adapt to changes easily. Bison are courageous, decisive, assertive and active people who are quick to act and who cannot take “no” for an answer. What a team we make!
The leadership class made us realize that we are all leaders with strong characteristics. We will get to practice these skills during our management experience through July. We learned that “if you push the string, it will go nowhere. But, if you pull it, it will follow you!” Meaning, if you push people, you can be the boss. If you lead them, you are an effective leader. 

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