Monday, June 13, 2011

NACUFS blog catch up

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

One week down!

I am terrible at this blog thing! i mean where are the pictures and where's the creativity? Honestly it is the last thing that's on my mind at the end of an eleven hour work day!

Monday was my first official work day. It was a little intimidating when I got the projects I would be working on. But I soon learned that asking many questions is the only way to learn. I will never be able to survive this summer if I don't adopt this habit. Paul is very patient and helpful and I will be utilizing this to the max.

My projects include setting up a new soup rotation for the dining halls this fall. This is going to entail lots of coordination, emailing, patients, and work. This is probably my most stressful and labor intensive project for the summer. Well, so it seems right now but anything can happen as I have seen so far. A project can seem easy at first but once you actually get into it many problems can arise.

Another project includes setting up a new beverage area in one of the dining halls. I'm not exactly sure what I am supposed to be doing on this yet.

Another project includes setting up "relations" with a new company that produces glutin free products. I will be Paul's sidekick on this one.

Another project involves organizing a special order for the fall with a dessert sauce company

And the final two projects are in the bakery :) I will be purchasing cupcake wrappers for gourmet cupcakes and helping with the development of a new concession stand dessert. I even get to work in the bakery for a few days next week. Can't wait to be in the bakery again. I miss it so much.

Yesterday, Tuesday, was a very busy day. I got to really dig into my projects in the morning. Then mid morning Johnsonville came and we tasted several samples. WOW! Who knew there were so many different kinds of sausage? Then we talked about concessions for fall, went to lunch with the Johnsonville representative, and came back to discus more about concessions for the fall. What a day! But it was a very fun, informative day.

Today I was able to make progress on my soup project but more importantly I was able to make progress on a seemingly simple project that has turned out to be a huge headache....getting item numbers for some new products. I have learned that persistence most definitely pays off and patience is key. We also did more testing of food. I definitely am not going to go hungry here that is for sure.

When I get more organized I hope to get more pictures on here but I guess that means I need to start taking pictures....not my forte.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Blogging finally begins!

What a first week it has been! I really should have started this sooner but hopefully I will get in a better habit of writing more than once a week.

My first impression of Montana was SMALL. But the more I get to know the town and explore, the more I like it and am happy with its size. It is very easy to find my way around.

My first day was filled with a lot of information as to what I would be accomplishing in the two months I will be here. WOW!!! Was I overwhelmed. However, I know I am capable of figuring it all out.

So far Gabrielle, the other intern and I have gotten familiar with two new computer programs, Star Source and Computrition. These seems to be two very valuable programs that will come in handy in the future.

We have also had the chance to do a tasting for two unknown brands of rice and submit our opinions of the rice. This seems to be a good practice for some part of my future career in food science.

Another day we were able to taste a dozen plus dishes prepared by the chef's from two of the residence halls here on campus. The chef's were trying to come up with new dishes for the Fall semester. In this circumstance, I was able to learn how to work with the chefs and coordinate what foods they wanted us to order. This was just the beginning to management.

I also had the opportunity to handle my first assignment on Friday. I was in charge of figuring out why different flavors of Dannon yogurt were different prices. One would think that all flavors should cost the same right? Well it was my mission to find out the reason and get back to the Executive Chef the reasoning behind this pricing. I have not heard back yet but this is my opportunity for my first follow up which entails staying persistent until I get the information I want. Welcome to the world of managing.

On the social front...Gabrielle and I went out on the town for the first time this past Friday night. We met some boys who will hopefully show us around as they promised. One of their names is Craig, a true cowboy in almost every sense of the word. He offered to take us fishing and shooting which I think is amazing because I was really hoping to learn how to fish while I am here. I really hope he comes through with his offer.

Yesterday Gabrielle and I went a popular hike in the area. The mountain is called the M so you can guess what is plastered on the side of the mountain....yes a big white M. It was one of the most difficult hikes I have ever very steep and the elevation didn't help either! What a struggle but we did it. And oh how good that felt!

Today I went to church. It is a short walk down the street. It was a very positive experience. Everyone was incredibly welcoming and happy to have me there. I plan on attending all the activities I unusual for me!

I feel very comfortable here and know that I am going to have the Summer of my life, make many friends, and learn and grow in ways I never imagined possible.

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