Thursday, June 16, 2011

You Scream I Scream We All Scream for... Chocolate?!

Yup that’s right we went to the world famous Hershey Park for our fun weekend part #2!!! And yes it’s true the town does smell like chocolate and lots of it! That’s because Hershey chocolate has a factory located in Hershey Pennsylvania, its own town. Of course the first thing we did was go to the chocolate factory. Once we walked through those doors we were embraced by the overwhelmingly amazing smell of chocolate. The Hershey chocolate tour was more like a ride where we got to hear the story behind Hershey’s chocolates and how they are mixed and made. The best part about the tour was the singing cows! They sang about how they helped produce the milk for the chocolate and let me tell you it was the cutest/funniest thing ever. After the tour they gave out Hershey candy which topped it all off. But no one can go the Hershey PA without going to their own theme park! They have so many amazing roller coasters. There are three wooden roller coasters that are the best I’ve ever ridden and I’ve been on a lot of roller coasters. The two best roller coasters there are the Fahrenheit which has an insane drop with crazy twists and turns and the second is the Storm Runner which goes from 0 to 60mph in a matter of seconds. We could not get enough of the par, we even went on some rides over again and one ride three times. Along with the roller coasters they have a water park inside the park and of course amazing food. They also had a Hershey bar and kiss mascot. After a fun filled day at the park we sadly had to leave but we created so many memories and would rate this park up there with Disneyland it was just that SWEET!

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