Thursday, June 23, 2011

June 23, 2011 - Mizzou

Wow, it's almost the end of June! I can't believe how fast time flies! Today we had meetings and worked on our mini-special event project. Our first meeting was with Debbie and she discussed her role in CDS. One of her responsibilities involves coordinating all of the conferences that come to MU and want to eat in the dining halls. She also plays a role in organizing the dining plans in addition to other tasks. It was great to see all of the different aspects of the Human Resources part of CDS. We then went to a training meeting. The training committee consisted of about 10 members from the department staff. They discussed the different training programs, the schedule, and who would be leading them. The training programs are for the staff/student worker employees. They are basically workshops to encourage further learning on safety, sanitation, and customer management/satisfaction. It is great that the department offers such a resource for the staff and student employees. After our meetings, Sara and I worked on our mini-special event projects. We wrote our recipes that we tested and worked on the special event memos. There is a long process that goes into having these special events and ordering the food. So any of the unique food (for example, I am having turkey legs for my theme) will have to be ordered specially. And any food that is not into the program (from the new recipes we've created) needs to be put into CBORD. It was a long day working on our projects and getting all the calculations for our recipes (like yield, portion size, amount, weights, ect.).

Tomorrow we are going to be working at the Hitt Street Market - which is one of the convenience stores. It will be interesting to see how CDS funds them and how they are operated differently than the dining halls and retail locations.

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